
Intuitive Business Coaching….What is it? Why would I need it?

The phone rings, ‘Hello’, gasping; panic and unintelligible words through sobbing are heard on the other end of the phone.

“Okay, just breathe with me,” I say. By now I have figured out it’s one of my many clients who have been working toward growing her own business, which has been a full time load on a part time schedule while working her full time job.

Through sobs I was able to decipher, “I just lost my job.”

“YAY!!! That’s awesome!!” I exclaimed.

“Wait, What?!? Did you understand me? I said I just lost my job.”
yay-15072686“Yes! I know! How freaking cool is that?!? Everything is going to be just fine.”

Okay… do you know that? “

“Because, I do. I know you, I know what you have been working toward and now you just got a big nudge, okay shove, from the Universe! Say Thank You.”

“I don’t feel very thankful.”

“You will be by the time we hang up.”

Immediately, I turned to strategy and a plan began to take form. I ran down the list of questions, were you laid off? Are you going to receive severance? Assessing the resources she had and developing a plan are huge in moving forward. There are things you can do to make the most of your transition time. The next few minutes  were spent getting the client to calm down, connect to her ‘gut’ so that she could access what she can easily say ‘yes’ to and the plan continued to sharpen.

By the end of the call, she was looking forward to her new life expanding her business doing what she loves.


Exactly what is Intuitive Business Coaching?

I get asked that a lot. I am still surprised at how the word ‘intuitive’ can trip people up. It is such a simple word yet carries tons of connotations. One we all know is Mother’s Intuition. It’s that internal tracking system all Moms have that lets them know when we are up to something. It’s real all right. Other ways Intuition shows up is through faith. If I had a penny for every time I have heard someone say, “Well I just had a sense that’s what the Lord wanted” I would be rich. Other images that come to people’s minds when they hear the word ‘intuitive’ include mystical things such as crystal balls, spiritual adviser, or Madam Cleo. Unfortunately, others have been taught to be afraid of their own intuition and avoid it all together. The cosmic joke seems to be that the ones who are most afraid of ‘intuition’ are the ones who are the most natural in their intuitive abilities.

So, what is intuition? Very simply put, it is your natural instinct. We all have it; that ‘gut’ feeling. It is your initial reaction to things. It’s there whether you want it to be or not, always offering information on your every decision or indecision, from which way to turn when you are lost to the next step in your business life.

yay-16254072In the hundreds of conversations I have had over the years, I hear my clients reference their own intuition without realizing it. Intuition comes in the form of “I should have put that offering out last week.” or “I know I should follow what everyone else does in my industry, but what I really want to do is this new idea I have.” Intuition guides us in many different ways. Learning to listen to it is quite a different story. It shows up as an impulse of ideas: That nudge of “call so and so now”. Something just ‘feels right’ about a decision or situation when there is no tangible evidence as to why the instinct to say when all logical signs point to ‘yes’.

One of the best ways it shows up in business is through creative ideas. The problem with a flood of creative ideas is confusion often sets in when deciphering what’s going to be profitable. Not knowing what to put sweat equity into can be troubling and paralyzing bringing profitable moments to a halt.

This is where I come in with Intuitive Business Coaching. By intuitively looking at your ideas, seeing what is working, what isn’t and helping you pay attention to your own instincts a plan starts to emerge. From that plan strategy evolves into easy actionable steps. Using intuition the guess work is taken out of what to do next leaving you with a solid knowing of your next steps and how to do it giving immediate tangible results. I help you take the someday you have been sitting on and turn it into now.

follow  your instincts 3Through Intuitive Business Coaching, tailored made strategies are developed just for your situation. It is ripe with solid result producing steps and works specifically for you while you develop a better sense of your own intuition, so that it is easy, feels right and makes sense to follow a specific direction, thereby turning paralyzing indecision into decisive action propelling you to your next level of success in life and business. Who doesn’t want to increase income and have more fun in their business?

Intuition is so innate it is as natural and automatic as breathing. When we accept out intuitive abilities and hone skills around them we get to let go of anxiety-producing guess work and move forward with confidence in our decisions.

As for the client who called in a panic. That was five years ago. She followed the plan we strategized  for her business and is happily enjoying a successful business that has allowed her the life she wanted.

About Kim

by Marlisa Williams PhotographySometimes referred to as the ‘Bad Ass Intuitive Business Coach’ This is because she is able to quickly laser in on the transformation you desire, see where your resistance is to change and gently guide you to create your highest level of success. Through the process you create a strong strategy that works for you while increasing your confidence to ‘get out there and do it!’ She believes in instant results to propel you forward instead of staying stuck in struggle and lack. She does this through powerful one on one coaching and group programs.

As Kim says,‘I help my clients transform their inner world so that they can experience lasting success in their outer world.’

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