Clutter is Costing You BIG Time!
How many have you walked by that closet, you know the one, dug through the ‘junk drawer’ or moved the same box for the 1,000th time to get to that what-cha-ma-call-it you need right now, all the while thinking, ‘I REALLY Need to organize‘?
Did you know that something as small as the ‘Junk Drawer’ can take up a significant amount of mental, emotional and intuitive space. Every time you look at it, think about it or go by it a level of anxiety spikes within you, grabbing your mental, emotional and intuitive attention distracting you from being fully present in the moment.
Believe it or not, people who are perfectionists usually have the biggest issue with organization. It’s because when a perfectionist looks at their clutter, they feel overwhelmed, like they don’t have enough time to get the job done ‘right’ and think ‘I will get to it on Saturday when I have time’. Yet, as it works in the world of a perfectionist, if they can’t work without distraction then they feel they can’t get it done and once again the process of de-cluttering is delayed.
What’s that physics saying? A body in motion tends to stay in motion? Take action! For all of my perfectionists out there; here’s a step by step plan to follow.

Source of major distraction
1) Take before picture of your clutter.
2)Identify what area of your home, office or car is holding
the most anxiety for you.
3)Schedule it! Seriously, pull out your calendar and schedule 15 minutes to an hour consistently for the next 30 days.
4)Background Noise – Music, TV shows you’ve seen 100’s of times, Talk Radio – Can be very helpful as this gives that left brained part of you something to gnaw on rather than chattering on and on with defeatist messages as you organize.
5) Set your timer for your allotted time and stick to it!
Take an after picture. Even if the project isn’t finished you can compare Before/After pictures to track your Progress!

Tip: For my perfectionists and over achievers out there, set your timer 15 minutes less than you have in mind. Why? Because many will want to go gung ho for that 2 hour power organization time. What that has the potential to do is set you up for ‘Organizational Fatigue’.
By simply organizing those problem areas people often find they become more creative, productive and experience a better sense of inner peace. Finally, Another lesser known benefit is that income often increases because you are more relaxed and ready to receive.
Challenge: Identify at least 3 problem areas that need de-cluttering, follow the steps listed in this article and track all money you receive now through April 30th.
Next…..The Office!